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Monday, September 1, 2014

Spice up your habits!

Once we've started a habit of creativity and spending actual time "doing" instead of mulling, we need to take steps to keep things fresh within that framework, to "spice it up" so to speak.

In relationships, if they become too habitual or predictable, they lose their luster and their love glow. Frankly, they lose their creativity. There is a lot to be said for comfort, but surprises are wonderful too. What about our relationship with God? How do we express that? do we take time for it, or do we run through the motions with the predictability of liturgical practices that we have innately memorized, but no longer hear.

With the dawning of all things Quirkified, for me, it has been a bit of spicing up most of what I already do. Turning my creative habit into less of a "race against a deadline" and more of a "let's enjoy the journey". I find myself getting lost now in moments where I'm painting, crocheting, writing and trying to make space in a life that is attempting to stay fresh but not frantic.

Basically, today what I really want to share and encourage all of us to do is make our habits and the mundane into something more magical. I'm sure you're probably thinking, "exactly how do I do that?" or "easier said than done", but maybe we just need to be more present, particularly taking notice of those joy moments where there are no visible numbers on the clock...just be. This may sound kind of zen-like and perhaps a bit impractical? Sooooo let's get practical about spicing up our habits (it's really not as much of an oxymoron as it sounds.)

1. Make time to notice the "happy". Write it down, draw it, sing it, pray it.
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of spirit is…joy (that's one of them, at least)

2. Connect with other people, be accountable within your creativity. A new habit can be doing coffee with a friend, attending a bible study, mentoring someone, volunteering. You might be surprised what stepping out of your initial comfort zone within the parentheses of your creative context will do to add a bit of punch to your habits.
Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

3. Solitude. Take some time to go for a walk, bike ride, run, something that gets you moving but is solitary. Let yourself be refreshed by recognizing what your body can do, yes, many of us have limits, but we can do something. Your brain and your creativity will thank you mightily for making this one a habit.
Psalms 55:7  Behold, I would wander far away, I would lodge in the wilderness. Selah

Personally, I think 3 things to spice up your habits is a really good start, you may just want to focus on one until you feel it's part of you. Of course you may already be doing so much of this, but maybe you just needed a nudge to notice it and throw it into the spicy mixture that is now your life habit of creativity. 

xoxo r

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