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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Embrace Imperfectionism

This is a very difficult concept for many of us, reveling in the perfection of the imperfect. It does sound like an oxymoron, but if we try so hard to be perfect, particularly when we're being creative, we have no room to grow. How do we know when we've improved upon something if we keep throwing everything away?

I don't know about you, but many times I find myself paralyzed with the thought that the reality of a project or idea in my head won't match what my fingers eventually will configure. But then, I begin,  I find that the imperfections make a piece unique and all my own, no one else will do it exactly that way, and most of the time the actual imperfections make something a "keeper".

In the Japanese culture there is lovely practice, kintsugi. It is the art of repairing something that is broken, with metal, gold or silver lacquer, with the understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. So.many.visuals.

Maybe when we're embracing imperfectionism we can identify with something that we've created and how God sees His creations…us… I personally think we all are more attractive with scars, both inner and outer, because it shows we've actually lived, that we've allowed ourselves to have room to grow, make mistakes and hopefully move on.  Just think of how His forgiveness and His love have highlighted a difficult life journey with the gold of kindness and patience, and the silver of empathy, understanding or any other gift that emerges from brokenness.

So maybe we can tie up this concept of imperfection and perfection and package it in regard to our creativity. Maybe in everything we do, whether it be caring for our children, working at our jobs or creating works of art, we can enjoy the freedom that the beauty is not in the perfection of what we do, or the actual product, but of attempting to do it and be ready with the superglue.

“As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him” (Psalm 18:30)

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