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Thursday, December 31, 2015

3 ways to put some OOMPH in your life:)

Putting some "oomph" in your life may sound like some random sound? But I'm betting that just about all of us relate to fresh starts and looking forward to "somethings". Well, here at Quirkified we are all about jump starting creativity and just plain old enjoying life. So what CAN we do this year to add a little "oomph".

1. Prioritize. I find it interesting that the phrase "Mind, Body, Spirit" puts the "spirit" at the end of the train. Personally, I think that maybe our spirit, the part that God speaks through and to, should probably be running the show. Make room to listen to His voice and I'm pretty sure the rest will follow along, and it doesn't get more "oomph"-like than that. Really give Him a genuine opportunity to speak to you, you will be more than pleasantly surprised.

2. Give it a "GOal". Set small goals that you are drawn to accomplish. We ALL have them. Those things that tickle at the back of our brains? Those tickles are another way that God is talking to us, that tiny whisper is His voice.
Some personal goals? Organizing my crafty ways. Learning new ukulele songs. Creating new illustrations that resonate kind words. How will I do any or all of these this year? One small step at a time. Probably through sticky notes that I can rip up one at a time. I LOVE that:)

3. Challenge yourself This doesn't have to be something huge, but the smallest tweak to your routine can snap you out of the doldrums and put that spring in your step. Hence, the "oomph". For me? I want to try things that maybe I wouldn't normally do. True confession: As old as I am, I STILL have never eaten in a restaurant by myself, not even fast-food. So, it may not be a big deal to someone else? but to me it's a challenge.

So what do you think Quirksters? Is this your year to: Prioritize, Set GOals, and Challenge yourself?
Is this the year you will look back on and realize it's when you actually began?
OR even better, you found your finish line:)

Talk soon my friends, xoxo

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