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Tuesday, September 8, 2015


What do YOU see???
I recently have started reading a creativity jump start book called, "Thinkertoys" by Michael Michalko. It has lovely assignments and is a great motivational read...if you're into that... which, personally I am:) But I know that not everyone is, and here at Quirkified, we're all about the small steps. So I will be more than happy to share some of the more "do-able" ideas in this truly incredible book.

First of all, how do YOU see things? what do you see when you look at the graphic on the left of this page? There is absolutely no "right" answer. You see what you see. But since we all experience the world around us in different ways, maybe if we tweak things a bit we can tap into our creativity and make being creative a part of our daily lives.

The other thing I love about reading books like this, is it usually inspires me to make lists of ideas. I use my Iphone "note" app to keep track of the ideas that pop into my brain during the day.  Some I'm working on, and some are so out there that I know I would need to get professional advice in order to see the concept into fruition. But that's okay... every day it is such fun to be able to take the unique gifts that God has given us and see what we can come up with:)...

Sooooooo... here's our assignment for the next week:  Explore your world; through the people you meet, places you go, shows that you watch, books that you read, music you listen to... the list is endless of all the input that you have in your life. Then, either at night or in the morning write 3 ideas that have popped into your head, use post-it's, a designated notebook, your own Iphone "note" app and jot away! You will probably find that there's a trend of ideas; mine usually go towards children's stories and illustrations, but there might be a sight, smell, taste that sparks your next note. Try to let these special moments count and who knows, when you're looking for "something to do" or your thinking of doing something "different", you'll have the basis for some great creative stuff.

By the way? I'm going to talk up my creative mom over at "He Leadeth Me" on Face Book. The page is just now coming together, but she has some very creative ideas to spark your interest in her book and you'll have the opportunity to interact with this lovely author (I am completely unbiased here...)

Until the next time Quirksters, (I will try to be much more diligent about writing)... keep noticing and filing away those experiences, you never know what you'll create next!

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