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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Inspiration, Perspiration and a dab of Procrastination

In the creative world, it seems that we often wait for that lightning bolt of inspiration to strike our imagination. We hold out for the spark to ignite whatever seems to be floating around in our messy brains and bring some order to that chaos. I found a wonderful quote today:

"One man's data is another man's noise."

which in turn makes me think in my world of creativity and ominous disorganization? the ONLY time that I manage to pull together some type of output, is when I have a deadline, hence the "dab of procrastination". So what would happen if we all looked at our creativity as a part of us, like one of our muscles. What if we actually looked at our next endeavor as a process instead of a flash in the pan. Personally, I think God has been showing me for years that the more I work at my creativity the more ideas come to mind and the more I want to express what He has put in my mind AND the more I want to actually complete projects. I have found that grandchildren and making gifts for them can be a great deadline, but also can be an incentive to do other things as well. I love the lessons we learn as we grow up:)

Needless to say? what is your creative chaos and how can you turn it into calming order.

1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace in all churches of the saints.

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