I wonder how many of us when we consider accomplishing a task, whether it be glaringly creative, like a mural that spans the side of a 747, or attempting to keep our yard from becoming an Amazon jungle (unless you actually live in the Amazon jungle, this is probably not your landscaping goal…) What I'm saying is, that no matter what we do, instead of being overwhelmed by a task or project , maybe we can break it down. I am verrrrrryyyyyy slowly learning this lesson and actually having minor success, of course it IS day by day, so hey, fingers crossed.
First, what do you want to do? Do you want to re-organize something? do you want to paint a picture? do you want to write a song? maybe you want to start a blog, run a marathon, train your dog. The possibilities are endless and time can really be your friend.
So you might ask,
"Hey Quirkified, if I'm gonna run a marathon, how do I start?"
and I will readily answer,
"with the first step and eventually you'll hit that 33,000 steps that will equal 26.2 miles"
(yes, this is an approximation but I did look it up)…;)
But seriously, the first step in anything, is the smallest form of forward that YOU can handle. This is very individual, maybe you're a list person, maybe you're a "get up and do it" person, maybe you're a muller and you need to let everything compile in your brain or maybe it's setting a specific goal and time to accomplish what you want to do.
So? begin. Whatever you want to do, do just a little bit and those little bits will add up to a finished product. Think of a beautiful Monet painting full of dots and colors on a large canvas. That didn't just miraculously happen. Each flick and dab of his paintbrush was a forward step in completing his masterpiece.
What's your masterpiece going to be? What is your smallest form of forward? Do just a little bit. every.day.
2 Chronicles 15:7 But as for you, be strong and don't give up, for your work will be rewarded.